8098 Blaine Ave, Inver Grove Hts, MN 55076
Phone number 651-554-6840
send Friends an email - click here
Library hours are
Monday thru Wednesday, noon to 8 p.m.
Thursday thru Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed on Sunday
Who are the Library Friends
The Friends of the Inver Glen Library is a group of interested residents who volunteer their time to support the library by providing amenities that are not paid for by the County. We provide funds for, Lucky U books, purchase of special items of equipment or unique items for the library collections and the annual Community Book read for visiting authors and special projects or classes for the community. Annually provide 2 Simley High School students with scholarships. We also sponsor book sales and distribution of books to elementary school students. We have many opportunities to volunteer for our Friends and welcome active participation.
Be a Friend of the Library
Modern libraries are not just repositories of books. The library of the future will be a dynamic integrated information network and repository offering affordable, seamless services to satisfy the information needs of individuals, businesses and organizations, as well as serving as public information centers. Be a part of the exciting future of Inver Glen Library as we expand.

Dakota County Library System
click here to get web site

The mission of the Dakota County Library is to support lifelong learning for county residents of all ages by: Anticipating and responding to their needs for information, Encouraging their desire to read, and Enriching the quality of life in their communities.